This video is the first in a 5-part series about collaborative law as it relates to divorce. Presenters are members of the NYACP and the IACP. This initial discussion by Ken Novenstern, Esq., focuses on the role of the collaborative counsel.
This is the second installment in a 5-part series on collaborative divorce. Presented by Ivan Alter, Esq., this segment is about “interest based negotiation” – what that means and why that matters.
Third in a 5-part series on collaborative divorce, this video focuses on the settlement meetings which are a foundational element of the collaborative process.
In this fourth video in a 5-part series on collaborative divorce, Lili Vasileff explains the value of a financial neutral.
This is the fifth and final video in a 5-part series on collaborative divorce. Presented by Arnold Cribari, Esq., the focus of this installment is “Interdisciplinary Collaborative Divorce.”